Post-mortem examination on a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) reveals a potential fatal interaction with bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Italian waters

Despite attacks of bottlenose dolphins towards conspecifics and other species of dolphins being reported worldwide, inside the Mediterranean Sea these behaviours are still considered sporadic and have been, to date, only recorded in Spain and France, mostly directed to striped dolphins. In this work, we reported the necropsy outcomes of a dead striped dolphin that suggest a fatal interaction with bottlenose dolphins inside the Italian side of the Pelagos Sanctuary, Western Ligurian Sea. Results from the post-mortem examination showed multiple, multifocal external rake marks spaced 1–1.2 cm and several internal injuries, consisting of subcutaneous and muscular haematomas and haemorrhages, multiple vertebral and rib fractures, haemothorax and lung laceration. The inter-tooth distance and all the internal findings were consistent with a fatal traumatic interaction with bottlenose dolphins as reported in similar cases in other parts of the world where the same results were found. No other significant gross and microscopic findings and concurrent significant pathogens were detected. This case highlights the existence of negative interspecific interactions in an area where they have never been reported before and adds new important information to the literature for understanding their occurrence, expanding the geographical range of observation in the western Mediterranean Sea.


Ascheri D., Fontanesi E., Marsili L., Berio E., Garibaldi F., Goria M., Serracca L., Dondo A., Di Francesco C. E., Varello K., Casalone C., Giorda F., Grattarola C.

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